An intuitive user interface that stays out of your way. The dockers and panels can be moved and customized for your specific workflow. Once you have your setup, you can save it as your own workspace. You can also create your own shortcuts for commonly used tools.
- Customizable Layout
- Over 30 dockers for additional functionality
- Dark and light color themes
- Beautiful Brushes
- Brush Stabilizers
- Vector & Text
- Brush Engines
- Wrap-around mode
- Resource Manager
- 2D Animation
- Multiple layers and audio support
- Supports 1,000s of frames on timeline
- Playback controls with pausing, playing, and timeline scrubbing
- Onion skinning support to help with in-betweens
- Tweening with opacity and position changes
- Change start time, end time, and FPS
- Export results to video or still images
- Drag and drop frames to organize timings
- Shortcuts for duplicating and pulling frames
- Performance tweaking with drop-frame option
- Drawing Assistants
- Layer Management
- Select & Transform
- Full Color Management
- HDR Painting
- PSD Support
- and more…